Iyana “YaNi” Davis, is a graduate of Claremont School of Theology with her Masters of Divinity. Rev. YaNi received her B.A. from Spelman College, with an English degree. YaNi has always been passionate about the impact of words, storytelling, truth-telling and the therapeutic nature of writing one’s words and sharing one’s story. YaNi believes firmly in our power as storytellers and sets this example everyday of her life.
Rev. YaNi, is an ordained minister with The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and has been a featured speaker, poet and teaching-artist around the United States, throughout Europe and across Asia. YaNi uses her words wisely as a Hip Hop artist, an inspiring speaker, an effective educator, a profound poet and a modern day prophet and griot. She has shared the stage with top performers, theologians, creatives, and healers around the world, an honor that she does not take lightly. YaNi has spoken and performed in venues from University settings, to churches, coffee shops and clubs as her message is one for everyone invested in growing in the peaceful expressions of communalism, wholeness and love.
YaNi is the founder of The Peace People’s Movement and is lovingly referred to as, The Peace President. Rev. YaNi launched their non-profit, My SupaNatural Life to provide wholistic communal care for those living with disabilities and the people who love us! As a kidney transplant survivor YaNi has committed her life to peace and wholeness via the power of Nommo (The Spoken Word). Keep in touch with YaNi & The PeacePeople at www.whoisyani.com or with My SupaNatural Life via www.MySupaNaturalLife.com.